Unheard knowledge
Knowledge, experiences and (hi)stories of marginalized people and groups are often devalued by society, dismissed as too subjective and seem invisible. For what reasons? By which mechanisms and what are the consequences?
Knowing, telling and spreading one’s own (hi)story of resistance is an important part of every emancipatory movement and can contribute to changing societal narratives.
What tools can be used to actively work on accumulating and widening knowledge bases, to correct, diversify and decolonize them? How we change discourses by making oppressed, invisible and unheard knowledge become visible? What role do science, arts and activism play?
With Nikita Dhawan, Joy Kristin Kalu, Aurora Rodonò
Moderator: Mahret Ifeoma Kupka
This discussion will be held in German spoken language and will be translated into English spoken language and German sign language.
This event will be a livestream and will be available until 29th May 2021. Audience can ask questions via chat.